Children's Ministry

The most strategic children’s ministry curriculum in the world

That’s a big claim, and we mean every word. Here are 3 ways Cross Formed Kids will transform your ministry and supercharge your strategy.

Real Biblical Literacy

Cross Formed Kids fosters biblical literacy in an unforgettable way, using songs kids love to teach them the truth they desperately need

Activated Families

To activate families you need something absolutely doable and also insanely effective. Nothing fits the bill better than Cross Formed Kids, where 5 minutes a day = biblical literacy for life.

Optimized Volunteers

Volunteer leaders respond when you make a specific ask to a role that fits their gifts. Our curriculum design makes it easy for you to take your volunteer game to the next level!

All in the simplest and most effective format possible.

Bring the biblical storyline to life with our salvation-historical catechism.

By giving your kids the gift of biblical literacy, you’re giving them the potential to know and love the Bible more each day. You’re giving them a lifetime of fruitful bible reading. You’re giving them a foundation for a lasting faith.

Our scope and sequence is precision engineered to teach everything you need to know to understand everything in the Bible. Get started today and enjoy:

Our uniquely strategic
kidmin curriculum

Your church’s very own family discipleship headquarters

Connecting with and learning from children’s ministry leaders all over the world

Hear how Cross Formed Kids helped C3 Church take their children's ministry to the next level:

What you Get:

BOTH Pre-k and Elementary Curriculum Included in Every Plan
Simple and Dynamic Teaching Lessons
Crafts and Activities
Coaching Videos
An Unforgettable Song with Each Lesson
Dance Party/Lyric Videos
Kidmin Network Access
Discipleship Community Access for every family in your ministry
Book Reviews For Every Family
Cohesive Family Discipleship Strategy
Curriculum-aligned Book List
($100 One Time)
Dedicated Family Discipleship HQ for your Church ($250/year)

What you Get:

Coaching Videos
New Song per Lesson
Dance Party Videos
Kidmin Network
Skillful Parenting Course
Book Reviews
Network Access for Every Family
Curriculum-aligned Book List | $100 (One Time)
Dedicated Family Disc HQ for your Church | $250/year

Curious how CFK compares to other leading curricula? Get the Kidmin Curriculum Comparison Chart.

Get it Here