014 | How to Write a Book [Special Guest: Champ Thornton]
Have you ever wanted to write a book but didn’t know where to start? In this episode, the guys talk with Champ Thornton (author and Acquisitions Editor at Crossway) to discuss the writing process, what publishers are looking for, and much more.
- Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund
- The Really Radical Book for Kids by Champ Thornton
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Gentle and Lowly: https://a.co/d/9fjab27
The Really Radical Book for Kids: https://newgrowthpress.com/2023-ngp-easter-gift-guide/shop-by-price/gifts-under-25/the-really-radical-book-for-kids-more-truth-more-fun/
Cross Formed Kids Custom Quote: https://crossformedkids.typeform.com/to/GCIcAuhN