Book Review: Habits of the Household, by Justin Whitmel Earley
A Quick Summary
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the chaos of parenting and neglect our duties to disciple our children. In Habits of the Household, Earley provides some helpful, practical advice on how to build habits, routines, and rhythms into our daily lives so we can ensure that we are intentionally discipling our children to follow Christ.
What was your favorite thing about this book?
This book is intentionally easy to pick up and read in the carpool line or in between loads of laundry. Earley communicates in a way that is easily digestible and not intimidating. This book is a great tool for overwhelmed parents who are either in need of a reset or are just starting out on their family discipleship journey.
What’s your biggest frustration with this book?
This book is a bit light on scriptural references and theological arguments. They are not completely lacking from the book, but it leans more on anecdote than biblical evidence.
In general, would you say this book aligns well with a biblical world and life view? Why or why not?
Yes, this book aligns with a biblical world and life view. The author wants us to open our eyes to the Kingdom of God that is all around us everyday and to remember God in our smallest interactions and routines with our families. The more integration we have between our “spiritual life” and our “regular daily life,” the better off we will be.
What is the gospel according to this book? How does this align with the biblical gospel, the one true gospel?
The author presents the gospel as Christ’s death on the cross saving those who believe, by God’s grace and through faith alone. He presents these habits not as works that will bring us salvation, but as acts of devotion and obedience to God as an outpouring of love for him.
How might this book be a benefit or a danger to parents who are seeking to raise Christian kids?
I would recommend this book to Christian parents, especially parents of young children who feel swamped and are unsure of how to fit in family discipleship to their busy lives.