Book Review: Parenting by Paul David Tripp
By Sarah Rainer
A quick summary
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp provides an overarching picture of parenting and its challenges through a gospel lens. The author graciously describes the difficulties parents have with their children and with themselves by pointing out our need for dependency on Christ. He focuses on a parenting mindset that seeks to get past our children’s behaviors and into the heart problems that both children and parents have.
What was your favorite thing about this book?
Paul Tripp brought a unique approach to parenting that is not typically discussed in parenting books; he focused on the heart of the matter. Too often parents are looking to change their children’s behaviors, but Paul Tripp helps parents look past behaviors and into their children’s (and their own) need for a Savior.
What is your biggest frustration with the book?
Two things caused me minor frustration as I read this book. First, this is not a “how-to” book. It gives an overarching theme to parenting but doesn’t provide many techniques to implement his points. This might cause some parents to be left wondering how to implement what Paul Tripp discusses. Second, the author really only focuses on the heart. There is little to no discussion regarding other issues, such as trauma or development/medical delays, that could cause struggles.
How does this book present the gospel?
Paul David Tripp presents parenting through a gospel lens. He communicates well that children and parents alike struggle with sin and need to be rescued by Christ. He attributes much of our struggles in the parent-child relationship to sin and heart issues while pointing the reader to the rescuer, Jesus Christ.
How might this book be a benefit or a danger to parents?
This book is a wonderful help to parents seeking to parent their children. Tripp does a great job of providing hope and help in Christ. He also helps parents by teaching them to offer grace and mercy to their children.
Sarah has her masters and doctorate degrees in Clinical Psychology. She specializes in child and adolescent mental health and development. She is the founder and owner of Raleigh Kids, a Christian mental health service provider.
Sarah was the co-host of the Parenting & Pennies podcast on the Christian Parenting podcast network, and is a podcast guest, writer, and speaker for various Christian organizations. Sarah and her husband, Art, have been married for 16 years and have three fun boys. She also serves in leadership at her church for women’s discipleship, and enjoys discipling women.
To connect with Sarah, you can follow her on Instagram @dr.sarahrainer or at www.RaleighKids.com